Pakistan Will Be Ruled By A Densely Bearded Man With Green Eyes

Pakistan Will Be Ruled By A Densely Bearded Man With Green Eyes

وہ شخص حالات کو درست کرے گا اور کشمیر کے علاوہ دہلی بھی فتح ہو گا 

Extract from Article "Chonka Dene Wali Paishgoiyan", Sayara Digest (2001) by Mian Muhammad Afzal. Please read English translation below. Complete article can be foundhere

Pakistan Will Be Ruled By A Densely Bearded Man With Green Eyes
Translated By Warrior

The intellectual and literary stalwart of the Urdu language Mumtaz Mufti describes a meeting with a woman in his memoirsAlakh Nagri (meaning, The Unseen World). Domiciled in Karachi and having a highly educated background, this lady was known by the name of 'Atiya'. The two met via Qudrat Ullah Shahab, another noteworthy intellectual of Pakistan during the early stages of Ayub Khan’s reign. This was the time when Karachi was the capital city of Pakistan. The respected lady Atiya was blessed with ‘sight beyond sight’ and Mumtaz Mufti records some of her revelations in his book, and excerpt from which is as follows: “ I said, Madam, how is it that you see certain events to be unfolded in future? She smiled and answered. Sometimes I sense them, other times I have visions, still other times, I am told of these events of the future by a voice; and at rare occasions as if a feature film is projected in front of my eyes. I’m only a seer, not a doctor and what ever I see I try to express it in words. Nor do I (Madam Atiya) claim of the certainty of my visions. While I do have these visions of events yet to unfold, I am unaware of their time of occurrence. Whether they will unfold tomorrow are after a decade is beyond the scope of these esoteric and arcane information I receive from my visions.” 

Lady Atiya also informed Qudrat ullah Shahab that conspiracy to overthrow Ayub Khan was taking place. She even pointed out some people who have planned to assassinate Ayub Khan by poisoning him. After furtive investigations, these warnings were recognized to hold veracity and people implicated eventually also confessed of this assassination attempt.

Page 26 

Yet another excerpt from the same book Alakh Nagri bearing coherence to this topic is as under: “Lady Atiya says that certain of my visions are repetitive in nature. I have seen the same visions many times and incessantly but am unaware of its period of manifestation.” Mumtaz Mufti inquired for an example and Lady Atiya replied:
For instance, I have seen many times that Suharwardi will be arrested.” (This event finally took place in Pakistan’s politics). She further added,  
“I have seen many times a green eyed bearded man will assume the leadership of Pakistan. He is very firm and strict in his ways and will be a true dictator. He will come and punish all the malicious elements in our society and will sort them out. I have seen in-numerous times that as a result of a very gory war, East Pakistan will be severed from us, and Kashmir will become a part of Pakistan. The geographical boundaries of Pakistan will expand till Delhi and beyond.”
Lady Atiya’s predictions which were unfavorable to Pakistan, i.e. East Pakistan seceding has already been fulfilled. These predictions had been made by the lady ten years before the Dhaka debacle. The same prediction had also been made by Allama Mashriqi so much so that he had also highlighted that it would happen around 1970. Allah grants knowledge to some scholars such that they are at least shown of events that are to be implemented by Allah in the near future. Similarly, Lady Atiya was also a blessed seer and was dispatched information of the Stern bearded green eyed dictator who will straighten out the miss-doings in our society. This portent also somewhat matches those of Nemath Ullah Shah Wali but has yet to manifest itself.


صدر پاکستان کی خالی کرسی اور کالا جھنڈا ؟


Facebook Comment by Writer Muhammad Iqbal Diwan

Iqbal Diwan She personally told me this all... I had the pleasure of knowing and used to meet her many times in her Phase -2 residence on 8th Street near DHA Club.. her account is available in my two books...She even disclosed me who is NINTY in SHAHABNAMA

She expired in 2004 and is buried in PECHS next to her husband Maujood Saheb, her father Ibrahim Saheb and her daughter SHAHDAB who preceded her in her journey to the eternity.

(Read about NINETY of Shahabnama on this blog at Link 1Link 2

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Pakistan Will Be Ruled By A Densely Bearded Man With Green Eyes Pakistan Will Be Ruled By A Densely Bearded Man With Green Eyes Reviewed by Unknown on 03:28:00 Rating: 5

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