Sheikh Nazim's advice to take precaution in Muharram

Month of Muharram: Shah Naimat's Prediction & Sheikh Nazim's Advice To Take Precaution

محرم میں مسلمانوں کے ہاتھ میں تلوار آ جائے گی ... شاہ نعمت الله ولیؒ

A Prediction of Shah Naimatullah Wali (RA) mentions 'Month of Muharram' in which Muslims will be empowered. That prediction is like this,
"Muslims will acquire sword (weapons) in the month of Muharram. They will take bold steps then"
Now Sultanul Awlia Sheikh Nazim Kibrisi (age 90 years) is advising people to take precautions in the month of Muharram, something big can happen. He is also sharing details of his spiritual journey & telling about 'Master of the Time'.

Here His Two Recent Videos with Urdu Translations are provided for our Urdu readers.

1. Take Precaution In The Month Of Muharram (17 Nov 2011)

2. We Await Muharram (12 Nov 2011)

(Only God Knows The Best)
Sheikh Nazim's advice to take precaution in Muharram Sheikh Nazim's advice to take precaution in Muharram Reviewed by Unknown on 04:23:00 Rating: 5

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