Year of Kana Zahooqa, Shah Naimatullah Wali's Prediction & Future of Pakistan

کَانَ زَہُوۡقًا کا سال، شاہ نعمت الله ولیؒ کی پیشگوئی اور پاکستان کا مستقبل

وَ قُلۡ جَآءَ الۡحَقُّ وَ زَہَقَ الۡبَاطِلُ ؕ اِنَّ الۡبَاطِلَ کَانَ زَہُوۡقًا
 And say,: Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is surely bound to vanish

Shah Niamatullah Wali (R.A.) mentioned a Verse (کَانَ زَہُوۡقًا) of Quran in his prediction. Its 81st Verse (Ayat) of Surah Bani Israel in Quran. Its a very Important spiritual prediction related to the Future of Pakistan.

Lets see this prediction From Book: Shah Naimat (R.A.) Paishangoiyan (1993), Page 31 by Col. (Rtd.) Matloob Hussain.

This prediction can also be viewed in others books as Page 51 of H.M. Sarwar Nizami's Book (See here) and Page 312 of Book Deeni Dastar Khawan (See here)

Now Lets read this Verse From Quran, Its Urdu Translation, Hadith Mubarika and Tafseer.

(Tafseer-e-Makkah - Surah Bani Israel - Verse 81)
Its a Hadith Mubarika in Sahih Bukhari, Para 19, 'Tafaseer Ka Byan'

(Tafseer-e-Usmani - Ayat 81st of Surah Bani Israel in Quran)
Two Predictions had been mentioned, One accomplished after 'The Conquest of Makkah (Fatah-e-Makkah)' when Holy Prophet (PBUM) entered Makkah reciting this 'Kana Zahooqa' verse. 2nd prediction was declared at the same time and still remains to be accomplished.

Above explanation shows, Shah Naimatullah Wali (R.A.) had in depth knowledge of Quran &
Hadith and He exactly mentioned this in his prediction

When Ist 'Kana Zahooqa' Year appeared, the event of Conquest of Makkah happened.
When 2nd 'Kana Zahooqa' Year will appear, another event of Conquest will happen.

Only country left with Idolatry is 'India' now, so when the Conquest of India will occur, It will be 2nd Year of Kana Zahooqa and Hazrat Imam Mehdi (A.S.) will be established in his position of Power (but He will Not Appear as Imam Mehdi (A.S.), Its next prediction by Shah Naimat in which he said, Imam Mehdi (A.S.) will appear on the occasion of Hajj)...... and that specific occasion of Hajj may come many years after the 2nd year of Kana Zahooqa).......(And Allah Knows The Best)

Express Newspaper Columnist Muhammad Ibrahim Azmi said in his article 'Hijrat Ki Takmeel' on Ist, April 2010.

"Pakistan will conquer India in the 81st year of its creation." 

Remember, 81st  is the Verse No. of Kana Zahooqa of Surah Bani Israel which says, Truth has come, now Falsehood is surely bound to vanish and this is actually the Future of Pakistan.

Please read Urdu Article and English Translation of Important part below. Great resemblance of Pakistan with Medinah.
"Logical and scholarly arguments have established that in the 81st year of Pakistan’s [existence] the crescent-and-green flag shall fly over New Delhi. Likes of the events that happened in the first six years [of Islam] in Medinah have already happened here, but what in Medinah took one year, has required a decade in Pakistan...The Battle of Badr took place in the second year of Hijra; here the war of September [1965] occurred in Pakistan’s second decade. [Badr] happened 17 months after Hijrat; our war occurred 17 years after the nation’s birth"

That's why, Shah Naimatullah Wali (R.A.) immediately said after his above prediction.
"O Naimat Shah, Be silent! Don't reveal the secrets of Allah"

Praise and Glory Be To ALLAH
The Greatest of All
The Best of Planners
Allah Knows The Best

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Year of Kana Zahooqa, Shah Naimatullah Wali's Prediction & Future of Pakistan Year of Kana Zahooqa, Shah Naimatullah Wali's Prediction & Future of Pakistan Reviewed by Unknown on 23:36:00 Rating: 5

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