Ghaus-e-Azam Prediction

پیش خبری غوث الاعظم سید عبدالقادر جیلانی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ

Tazkirah Anwar-e-Sabiri 
(3rd Edition: Oct 1992 / 1413 Hijri)

Tazkira Anwar-e-Sabri (A biography of Hazrat Ali Ahmad Sabir Kaliyari RA) was written by Haji Muhammad Bashir Ambalvi bestowal by his Spiritual Mentor Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali (QSA).

Important Spiritual Prediction/Forecast (Paish Khabri) By Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) is presented from this book. According to Tazkirah Anwar-e-Sabri, this prediction is originally in Maktoob-e-Nitab 'Qurbat-tul-Wahdat' written by Shaykh Muhiyyudin Abdul Qadir Jilani RA (Qutab and Ghawth of the Eternal Lord). 

Complete event in which Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar (RA) ordered to view this forecast is given in book. Please remember below mentioned dates while reading the prediction, also read its English translation & Chishti Sabri Order as it is very relevant to this post.

1. Ghaus-e-Azam Hazrat Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)
     (1077–1166 AD/CE) -  (470–561 Hijri)

2. Hazrat Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar (RA) respectfully Baba Sahib RA
    (1188 - 1280 AD) - (584 - 679 Hijri)

3. Hazrat Ali Ahmad Sabir Kaliyari (RA) Makhdoom-e-Do Jahan/Sabir Pak
    (1196 - 1291 AD) - (592 - 690 Hijri)

4. Hazrat Abdul Quddus Gangohi (RA)
    (1456–1537 AD) - (860-944 Hijri)

5. Abu Anees Sufi Muhammad Barkat Ali (Qudus Sirruhul Aziz) 
    (1911 -1997 AD) - (1329 - 1417 Hijri)

Part 1: Paish Khabari By Hazrat Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

Pages 138-146 (Book Download Links are provided at the end)

English Tanslation of Above Extract

غوث الاعظم سید عبدالقادر جیلانی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کا فرمان ہے

قدمی ھذا علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ
کہ میرا قدم تمام اولیاءاللہ کی گردن پر ہے
(Translation) My foot is on the necks of all the Auliya of Allah

Part 2: First Part of the Prediction Came True

Pages 215-218

Part 3: Chishti Sabri Order/Silsila (Importance Mentioned In Prediction)

Ali Ahmed Sabir Kaliyari RA's Successors (wikipedia)
The successors and followers of Makhdum Ali Ahmed Sabir Kaliyari RA are called “Chishti Sabri”
His successors include Khawaja Shams-ud-Din Turk Pani Patti, Shah Abdul Qudoos Gangohi, .......................................... and Abu Anees Sufi Barkat Ali.

Traditional Silsila (spiritual lineage) of the Chishti order: (wikipedia)
  1. Sarwar-e-Kianat Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi WaSallam)
  2. Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (Razi Allah Taala Anhu)
  3. Al-Hasan al-Basri (d. 728, an early Persian Muslim theologian)
  4. Abdul Wāhid Bin Zaid Abul Fadl (d. 793, an early Sufi saint)
  5. Fudayll ibn Iyaz
  6. Ibrahim bin Adham (a legendarly early Sufi ascetic)
  7. Hudhayfah al-Mar'ashi
  8. Amīnuddīn Abū Hubayrah al-Basrī
  9. Mumshad Dinwari
  10. Abu Ishaq Shamī(d. 940, founder of the Chishti order proper)
  11. Abu Ahmad Chishtī
  12. Abu Muhammad Chishtī
  13. Abu Yusaf Nasar-ud-Din Chishtī
  14. Qutab-ud-Din Modood Chishtī
  15. Haji sharif Zindani
  16. Usman Harooni
  17. Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri (Order in Pak-o-Hind starts from here)
  18. Qutab-ud-Din Bakhtyar Kaki
  19. Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar (Baba Sahib)
  20. Alauddin Ali Sabir Kaliyari
  21. Nizamuddīn Auliya
From Fariduddin Masud, Chishti order divided into two sub branches namely
  • Chishti Sabri who are followers of Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari.
  • Chishti Nizami who are followers of Nizamuddin Auliya.
In Pakistan and throughout the world, the Sabri silsilah is also being spread through Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali, rector of Darulehsan, Faisalabad. He had a complete biography of Sabir RA (whom he calls his 'spiritual guide') written by one of his mureed (namely Haji Muhammad Bashir Ambalvi) which is available in both Urdu and English:

Book Download Links

Admin Notes:
Pir Mehr Ali Shah RA (Chishti Nizami & Qadiria Order, Also blessed by Sabiri Silsila from Haji Imdad Ullah Muhajir Makki RA, Reference: Book: Mehr-e-Munir), Haji Imdad Ullah Muhajir Makki RA, Syed Zauqi Shah RA, Sufi Muhammad Barkar Ali RA, Hafiz Muhammad Sarwar Nizami (Compiler of Niamat Ullah Shah Wali RA  Predictions) and his mentor Syed Amanat Ali Shah Chishti RA and Syed Sarfraz A. Shah Sahib are from Chishtiya Order.

Sultan-ul-Hind Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri (RA) is called Spiritual Ruler/Emperor of Hindustan. (Wasif Ali Wasif RA said in his book Guftugoo-9 that 'Even British rulers admit, Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti RA as Emperor of Hindustan')
Ghaus-e-Azam Prediction Ghaus-e-Azam Prediction Reviewed by Unknown on 22:22:00 Rating: 5

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