True Believers
1. Ghazwa-e-Khandaq's Lesson for All Pakistanis
When God's Help Appeared after Extreme Hardships and Testing of True Believers of Islam
Please read the Complete Dua in second part of this post.
1. Book: Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtoom - A Seerat-Un-Nabi (S.A.W.) Book
Extreme difficult times on True Believers during
Ghazwa-e-Khandaq(trench)/Ahzab, Identification of Munafiqeen
(hypocrites), and Finally God's Help For True Believers2. Book: Islam aur Asar-e-Hazir (Prof. Ahmed Rafique Akhtar)
3. Book: Life of Muhammad (PBUM) (By Shaykh Abu Bakr Sirajuddin)
Author: Martin Lings (Abu Bakr Siraj-ud-Din) embraced Islam and wrote above Excellent Book (Published in 1983)
2. (All Pakistanis Are Requested To Read This Prayer Daily)
Dua of Ghazwa-e-Ahzab (The Battle of The Trench Prayer)
Below Prayer was told by Holy Prophet (PBUH) during Ghazwa-e-Ahzab (Khandaq) to Muslims when they were surrounded by extreme hardships and enemies. Due to 'Fazilat & Barkat' of this Prayer Muslims remained victorious in that battle.
It is requested to All Pakistanis to read this 'Dua' many times a day, print this or read online, Insha'Allah Once again, God's help will appear & threats to our country will fade away soon.
Also listen the audio of Syed Sarfraz A. Shah about the Fazilat of this Dua below.
Dua provided by Syed Sarfraz A. Shah (
Please Read Durood Shareef atleast three times before this Dua
Dua Al-Ahzab
(Click Image to Enlarge)
True Believers
Reviewed by Unknown
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